Who we are

PLANIT UXB LIMITED (PLANIT) are Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) experts dedicated to delivering the safe management of Explosive Ordnance (EO)-related risks for our clients wherever they are. For 30 years, PLANIT has successfully delivered Explosive Ordnance Threat Management projects to many hundreds of clients. PLANIT has safely located and disposed of many thousands of items of Explosive Ordnance and related material over the years without incident.

With over 50 years of experience delivering EOD Operations across the world, PLANIT’s Advanced Bomb Disposal Officers (BDOs) are all professionally trained and qualified through the MoD’s Defence Explosive Ordnance Disposal School.  They have unrivalled experience in all aspects of EOD operations in all environments.  We are known for our innovative approach to difficult problems, providing expert help quickly where you need it.

We pride ourselves on:

Giving clear, unbiased advice

Flexible, innovative solutions


Our clients come back to us time and time again because they trust us to deliver timely, proportionate, cost-effective solutions which are fundamental to protecting key assets and people


PLANIT UXB Limited will provide outstanding services.  These are founded in respect for the people we serve, the environment, and the specialist nature of the work we do.

Our exceptional services will be delivered by:

  • Meeting the needs of people.
  • Employing competent, dedicated professionals with proven experience.
  • Utilising the very latest in technology and methodology.
  • Operating with integrity.
  • Accepting responsibility for the special risks you may face.
  • Providing well-considered solutions to your problems based on specialist knowledge, broad experience, and a proactive, constructive approach to our work.

It is the people at risk that is our foremost consideration and our robust quality assurance measures guarantee successful outcomes for the people and organisations we help.

Call us. We can help.

08000 588 747

Where we have operated